Classification of Hotels and Lodgings in Stars and Keys Ratings
Target Group
This classification system refers to all Hotels and Tourist Apartment Lodgings in Greece, and applies to both existing and new businesses.
What is Classification of Hotels and Lodgings in Stars and Key Ratings
With the new legislative framework for Tourism N.4276/2014 started the organized and objective classification of tourist accommodation in categories of Stars and Keys.
The main objective of this Legislative Framework is the qualitative upgrading and modernization of tourist accommodation relevant to international tourism market standards.
The Hellenic Chamber of Hotels is the body responsible for issuing the Certificate of Classification of tourist accommodation.The Classification Certificate is a prerequisite for the issuance of the new Tourist Accommodation Special Operation Signs (E.S.L.) by the Respective Tourism Services Bodies.
The Special Operation Signs issued before 1.1.2015 will automatically cease to apply on 07.31.2017. This means, that all accommodations that have Special Operation Signs issued before 1.1.2015 should complete the new classification process by the end of 2017. The new units that began their operation after 1.1.2015 should be directly following the procedure.
Ministerial decrees establish the functional and technical specifications for the classification of Hotels in Star ratings and Tourist Apartment Lodgings in Key ratings.
For the issuance of a Special Operation Sign (E.S.L.) according to the new classification system, the owner of tourist accommodation makes an application to the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, which is appointed to grant the Certificate of Classification
Then, the owner selects the BQC Accredited Certification Body that carries out the on-site inspection of the tourist accommodation and prepares the Technical Report. The Technical Report includes all the required and optional criteria of the tourist accommodation, according to its Star and Key classification.
In the end, the owner submits the Technical Report in the corresponding Tourist Office Service and the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels issues the classification certificate.
If you want to classify your Hotels/Lodgings, should contact BQC and fill in certification application and send it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or fax it to 2112213726
BQC is accredited by the National Accreditation System (ESYD) for conducting tourist accommodation classification inspections and is posted on the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels web platform.
BQC has established a nationwide network of experienced inspectors covering all regions of Greece.
The benefits are
The process Classification of Tourist Accommodations in Categories of Stars and Keys Ratings is mandatory for their lawful operation.
The technical and functional classification criteria provide an important opportunity for the exploiters of tourist accommodations to modernize their facilities in line with international tourist quality standards and to provide a more complete hospitality experience in their tourist clients.
"1. The validity of the Special Operation Marks (ESL) of hotels that have been issued based on the valid until the entry into force of this classification system is automatically suspended on 12-31-2018 until the reclassification of the hotels. Until this date, all hotels are required to have a classification certificate in accordance with the provisions of this decision".
Recommended ISO Combinations
ISO 9001:2015
Management System
ISO 9001 is the most widely used international ISO Standard.
ISO 14001:2015
Management System
ISO 14001 is the most widely recognized Environmental Management Standard.
ISO 45001:18
Occupational Health
& Safety Management System
ISO 45001:2018 is the new international standard for Occupational Health and Safety.